Dynamic effects
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Any effect, that has its amount setting is a dynamic effect. It mean, that Wiagra Video Effector could calculate its amount.


When you select new effect - Smooth rotate in effects menu:


You can select its amount by click on
Amount setting button in effect setting window main menu:


Now, after unmark
End = Start checkbox you may set starting and ending values to enable dynamic effect (Wiagra Video Effector will calculate its amounts from it's In point to its Out point and from Start values to End values):


Outside color is the color of out-of-region area. This setting will effect in output file.

When you need to see preview without any effect or just apply all until prior effect, you may choose another value in
Apply effects to preview combo box. This setting has no effect for clip or effect properties same as Selected area border color, that will only change the color of selected area, when you choose one of region above.
